
Product: Catnip
Latin Name: Nepeta cataria
Plant Family: Lamiaceae
Other Names: Catnep, Catswort, Catrup, Field Balm, Nep, Cataire, Chataire, Herbe à Chat, Herbe aux Chats,
Hierba Gatera, Menta de Gato & Menthe des Chats.
Description: Catnip is an aromatic, herbaceous perennial, native to Europe and now found growing in North America;
which reaches a height of 30cm–1 metre.
The branching stems are square and covered in fine hairs as are the leaves which are opposite; triangularly-ovate,
heart-shaped with short stalks (petioles),
the leaves are 2.5-7cm in length, greyish green in colour and the edges are bluntly toothed.
The 2-lipped flowers are white in colour often with reddish-purple
dotted markings and are 10-15mm in length and grow in dense clusters at the ends of the stem branches.
Brief History: Catnip was grown by the Romans and used as a medicine and also as a culinary herb,
during the middle-ages, the herb was used to treat leprosy and the Elizabethans were fond of drinking catnip tea
until camellia Sinensis found its way to the English teacup.