Pet Grooming is Becoming More Popular

pug dogs nails being cut

Pet Grooming is Becoming More Popular

Pet Grooming is Becoming More Popular: The Pet Grooming and Supplies Industry, believe it or not, is one of the most recession-proof industries in the United States. According to research,

pug dogs nails being cut

despite the recent economic downturn, the pet business saw a modest uptick in pet-related sales in 2009. An estimated $3.4 billion was spent on animal grooming products and services in 2008, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). The APPA expects the industry to grow by at least 6% in the next few years.

These statistics demonstrate that the United States is a pet-friendly country. Pet owners have included their pets in their daily lives. Pet owners dedicated to their pets bring their pets to spas, restaurants, gyms, and jewellers. While many people enjoy having their dogs and cats groomed in pet salons, some prefer “do-it-yourself” grooming. Many pet owners believe that grooming their pets at home allows them to spend more time with their pets while saving money. However, to undertake “do-it-yourself” pet grooming at home, you must have specific grooming “must-haves.”

Basic Instruments

To obtain the fresh-from-the-pet-salon look, pet grooming specialists need the following essential tools:

dog being groomed

Scissors / Brush Comb Clippers
Pet Shampoo, Conditioner, Towels, and Nail Trimmers

Caution: Do not use human-made tools. To get the necessary professional appearance, use pet or animal grooming tools.

Proper Configuration

Be prepared each time you groom your pet to ensure a pleasant and comfortable grooming experience. Make being organised and prepared a habit. Keep your pet tools in a separate box from the rest of your belongings. Keep them clean and in a convenient location. Keep it out of children’s reach by putting it on a high shelf.

Optional Pet Equipment

Instead of standard bathtubs and sinks, consider purchasing a dog bathtub. The dog bathtub is becoming increasingly popular among pet owners. These bathtubs are smaller in size to accommodate your pet’s demands. This product can be found in a wide variety of forms and dimensions. Some are portable, collapsible, and stationary. Many feature holders for soap, brushes, and shampoo. Rubber soles are typically used in dog tubs to prevent slipping. Some even include belt straps to keep your fidgety puppy in place. Some dog bath tubes come with a faucet adaptor.

A fully equipped grooming table is significantly more recommended for conscientious pet owners. A grooming table is convenient for both you and your pet. It will cost you extra, but the peace of mind and control it will provide you, and your pet is priceless.


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