How to Keep Your Pug Healthy and Happy

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How to Keep Your Pug Healthy and Happy

If you are considering getting a pug, I recommend doing your homework first and spending some time looking after one.

They are a breed that is exceptionally devoted, lively, and loving – and yes, they are cute – but they are not an accessory. Taking in a pug entails a great deal of responsibility. It’s almost as if you have a child.

Your social life will evolve.

Have I told you that pugs are the best thing ever and that you want to spend your entire life with them? They are also devoted little creatures who follow you like shadows, thus prone to separation anxiety.

It is incredibly unjust to leave this breed alone at home for extended periods. So think about how much time you have to spare or whether you can regularly rely on someone to look after your dog.

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Your Clothing will never be the same again.

Fawn pugs have a double coat, and so stink. And plenty of it. The days of wearing hairless garments out the door are long gone.

Vacuuming becomes a daily occurrence, and you’ll avoid transporting people for fear of them escaping like the abominable snowman.

They eat as if there’s no tomorrow.

You’d think they would only have a little room for food with such a small species, but they make a lot. That has a direct impact on their waistline.

They must limit their food intake and measure out the portions, or they will become obese in no time. Could you not give in to their beseeching looks? They know how to have fun with you.

Grim Grooming may be Required.

Pugs’ eyes are famously moist. A nice juicy eyeball usually waits for you to brush it away or rub it haphazardly on your clean white T-shirt.

Every day, clean the skin folds on your face. Those charming little folds can be home to some pretty nasty bugs, especially if Pugs put their entire face into the food bowl while eating. Their ears must also be cleansed, which I do with dog ear wipes.

There are numerous methods for cleaning a Pug’s skin fold, but after experimenting with them all, I recommend holding it back and going in with a Malacetic cleaning wipe.

Ensure you go to the back of the crease and avoid getting any product in your eyes. Then, using a clean cloth, thoroughly dry it. Finish the workout with a tasty treat.

Some pugs require frequent vet visits to empty their anal glands (you can do this yourself).

Their claws should be trimmed regularly. This is the most terrible thing you can do to a Pug. They despise anyone who comes near their tiny little paws with those enormous nail clippers and wiggles like crazy to get them to stop. Yes, best of luck with that.

pug 2Have Trouble Breathing.

Yes, there are specific health concerns associated with this breed. Their airways are constricted due to their narrow snout.

Most brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds are less healthy than their long-nosed cousins. This is essential because Pugs will almost certainly require BOAS surgery (widening the nostrils and shortening the elongated soft tissue) to live more comfortably. Choose a Pug with a longer nose if possible, and do not encourage breeders who keep unhealthy Pugs!

A collar is not recommended for a Pug since it can further impede the airway. Always use a harness and a suitable tie so the pug may always wear its ID.

Expensive Veterinary visits may be required.

Eye ulcers, epilepsy, skin fold infections, kidney stones, crooked teeth, and acne are common in pugs.

All pedigrees have specific health issues. Make sure that your pet is adequately insured.

They despise the rain.

Or, for that matter, water. Please, no puddles, ponds, or hoses.

You can hear them before you can see them.

Pugs can breathe fairly loudly due to their shorter snout. They also snore. Loudly. This is an endearing characteristic. Nothing beats the sound of a pug snorting as it looks for crumbs on the floor.

They are not suited to long-distance running or hot summer days.

If you want to spend long sunny days on the Cornish coast with your dog, a pug is probably not for you. They try hard to keep up but tire quickly and are better suited to numerous short walks.

Pugs’ respiratory problems worsen in warmer weather. Thus, they should be kept in the shade. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THEM IN THE CAR. They will perish due to overheating.

They have no concept of private space.

Your mug? The ideal location to sit.

They are not “doggy” dogs in the traditional sense.

Maybe it’s just my pug (I’ve seen other pugs chase balls and swim), but Wilma refuses to play in the park. That is beneath her. She flees when you throw her a ball.

She hesitates to paddle in the water in warmer weather, but fetch and frisbee are out of the question.

That’s not to say they don’t have a good time. Pugs spend 5 minutes running about the living room when they are having fun. They enjoy chasing.

You will never again be alone.

A quiet trip to the loo? Consider again. Pugs were initially intended to keep Chinese emperors company, and they’re excellent at it.

Despite this, they are a wonderful breed; Wilma makes me laugh every day, and her devotion is unconditional. You should sign up for a rescue pug adoption waiting list if you want a pug.

Many people are unaware that pugs are frequently abused. They are adorable, yet they are frequently victims of their beauty and misused as money-making breeding machines.

Fascinating Facts

Queen Victoria, who owned numerous pugs in the nineteenth century, supported the breed significantly.

A grumble is a bunch of pugs!

Pugs are a centuries-old breed that was produced for emperors in ancient China.

They were treated like nobility, and ordinary people were prohibited from owning them.

Pugs were designed to be companion dogs, which explains why they adore people.

They were not bred to labour but to keep their human companions company.

Adoption organisations include The Pug Dog Welfare & Rescue Association ( and Muffin Pug Rescue (


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