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Herbs to Always Have on Hand
Herbs to Always Have on Hand: Herbs can be utilised to enhance health and wellness in a variety of ways. However, some are far more effective and should be kept in the house at all times. This is a list of herbs that are beneficial to overall health and may be grown in your own garden and used in cooking.
Chamomile is an extremely versatile and helpful herb to keep on hand. It’s a terrific addition to both your first-aid kit and your kitchen cabinet. The best part is that it is simple to grow from seed. It is well-known for its ability to relieve worry or anxiety, but it also aids in the treatment of stuffiness, constipation, upset stomachs, and migraines.
It can be used to treat pain, digestive issues, and insomnia. Make a tea out of it by steeping dried chamomile flowers in boiling water for 5 minutes. Try it before going to bed to get a good night’s sleep. Chamomile can also be used as a supplement in the form of capsules.
Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory herb that can be used to treat arthritis, haemorrhoids, stomach aches, and cuts and wounds.
Painful menstruation periods are a special issue for women. Chamomile has been proved to help alleviate this, which is great news for many women who suffer from it on a monthly basis. Another problem that women face, particularly after their periods have stopped, is osteoporosis. This is the stage at which the bones become brittle and readily break. Because of its action on the hormone oestrogen, chamomile has been demonstrated to help prevent this. Chamomile is truly a woman’s best friend.
Lavender is another herb that might help you sleep soundly, particularly if you suffer from insomnia. It helps to relax both the mind and the body, putting you in a better mood. Simply feeling calmer and less worried can help you sleep better. Lavender can be used to alleviate pain and muscle tension, particularly after rigorous activity or exercise, and it is thought that inhaling lavender blossoms has a relaxing effect on people. So, before you go tonight, place a few stems of it beneath your pillow or beside your bed and take some long breaths to enjoy the beautiful scent.
This is yet another easy-to-grow plant. It creates a lovely border with flowers that are attractive to bees and butterflies. You will then have a ready supply of organic food anytime you need it.
The herb St. John’s Wort
This plant is used to treat a wide range of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and stress. It can also be used to treat insomnia and nerve discomfort. Although it is incredibly successful at boosting mental health, it should not be used in conjunction with prescribed drugs. This is due to the fact that it can interact with it and cause negative effects.
This herb possesses potent anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, it may aid in the relief of arthritis pain. It can soothe the stomach and aid in the treatment of digestive issues like indigestion and ulcers. It can also aid in the treatment of depression because it improves brain function. Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, has also been shown to help kill malignant cells (6), which is another reason to keep turmeric on hand in the kitchen.
It is important to note that not all herbs are effective in the treatment of cancer. If you are already being treated, avoid using St John’s Wort or Ginkgo Biloba. This is because they cause cancer medications to exit the body too quickly, rendering them ineffective.
Ginger is an excellent complement to any cuisine. It is not only pleasant and enhances the flavour of foods, but it also has therapeutic characteristics. Ginger and turmeric both have the power to combat cancer. If cancer runs in your family, use ginger and turmeric in many of your meals to help prevent yourself from this deadly disease. Along with turmeric, ginger can be added to a variety of dishes, including curries, soups, stews, and smoothies.
Ginger can aid with nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness (9) and even arthritis. It can also aid in the reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol levels (10). If you are suffering from indigestion, ginger can help you feel better. I don’t know what will persuade you to use ginger on a regular basis if this doesn’t.
Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Biloba)
This herb is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which helps to prevent heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. It is available as a supplement, so taking it on a regular basis makes sense. It has been demonstrated to be beneficial in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease, as well as depression, anxiety, and ADD/ADHD, are all linked to brain health. Ginkgo biloba improves circulation, particularly in the brain and heart. So it goes without saying that this strong plant can help you stay mentally sharp.
Rosemary is another herb that grows easily in the garden and is delicious in dishes. It aids in the treatment of memory loss and has even been demonstrated to delay the onset of dementia. Rosemary can reduce headaches, particularly migraines treat asthma and bronchitis, and help women with menstrual cramps. It is also effective in the treatment of depression. If you are using diabetes or blood-thinning medication, avoid using rosemary oil as it may make them less effective.
Root of Liquorice
I used to enjoy chewing on a piece of liquorice root as a child, not realising how beneficial it was to my health. Liquorice contains anti-inflammatory qualities and can help with intestinal infections, indigestion, and heartburn. When you have a cough or a cold, it can also assist you to breathe. All of these properties stem from the fact that it is anti-inflammatory and bacteria-killing. Furthermore, it is excellent for reducing inflammation on the skin, which aids in the relief of acne, psoriasis, and eczema symptoms.
Chewing liquorice root as a child clearly benefitted my dental health as well, as I have very few fillings and studies show it prevents cavities. I’m headed to the health food store right now to get some!
Lemon Balm
This herb is well-known for its relaxing effects and can aid in the treatment of anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, migraines, and other tension-related issues. It has antiviral properties as well. It grows easily in the garden and may be used in cooking and to produce a tasty tea.
This plant can aid with gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and constipation (23). It also helps to relieve aching muscles and tension headaches. This herb can be simply grown in your garden once more. It can be made into a tea with boiling water, or it can be purchased as a supplement or essential oil. When you are congested, add the oil to boiling water and inhale it to assist you to breathe. Peppermint is also an excellent addition to your first-aid pack for treating the symptoms of hay fever. It lessens the allergic reaction that produces sneezing and itchy eyes.
If you utilise these ten herbs on a regular basis, they will keep you healthy. The majority of them can be eaten, while others can be purchased as a supplement or the herb can be put into a tea. Why not give at least one of them a shot and see if it makes you feel better?
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